Using NS55 Credits on Programming Classes


Singapore started early on from nothing. As a young nation, national security was on the top of the priority list. Yet, given Singapore’s resources, to ensure her survival, everyone’s contributions are essential. There is a famous saying that goes, “It takes a village to raise a kid.”

Even more so, it takes talent, sacrifice, contribution and every single citizen’s effort to build a country.

In recognition of Singapore’s servicemen and women, MINDEF and MHA launched a recognition package to award eligible servicemen $100 worth of credits via the LifeSG app. Click here to find out more on how to redeem your NS55 credits.


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Most Singaporean males and in fact, to-be citizens as well, they would have served minimally 2 years of national service in their own respective vocations. This has been true even from two generations ago.

As such, to show gratitude and support for our national servicemen and women, Prgramly curated 2 additional programming classes at special rates. The all-new classes on Scratch Basics and Python Turtle Graphics also reinforce Prgramly’s core belief of investing in future generations.

In the current climate, with technology at our fingertips, digital literacy is no longer an option. Tech talents remain well sought-after and the demand will only continue to rise. Many industries are also pivoting and incorporating digital practices and assets.

Stay relevant and updated with Prgramly. Let us give our children the gift of education, an edge for tomorrow.